Progetti di Ateneo

angle-left Role of RAB7 in cancer progression and chemoresistance
Codice Progetto o altro Identificativo
IG2021 N. 25795
Denominazione Progetto
AIRC Investigator Grant (IG)
Tipologia di finanziamento
Tipologia ambito della fonte di finanziamento
Fonte di finanziamento
MIUR 2020 5x1000
Call e/o Bando specifici
Bando AIRC Investigator Grant 2021
Referente Scientifico (nome e cognome)
Cecilia Bucci
Compagine Progettuale
Università del Salento
Data inizio
Data fine
Endocytosis; exosomes and/or endogenous microvescicles; drug response and/or resistance; cell signaling; cancer evolution
The main goal of the project is to better understand the role of RAB7A in cancer cells studying processes governed by RAB7A and, in particular, their impact on cancer progression and chemoresistance. The specific aims of the project are the study of the role of RAB7A in EV biogenesis looking at the implications for cisplatin chemoresistance in ovarian cancer, and the study of the role of RAB7A in regulating mitochondria and EVs looking at the implications for cancer development and progression in pancreatic cancer.
Ambito tecnologico produttivo
Biotecnologie per la salute