Progetti di Ateneo

angle-left Digital market and consumer protection
Codice Progetto o altro Identificativo
CUP MASTERF53D2301215 0001
Denominazione Progetto
Digital market and consumer protection
Tipologia di finanziamento
Tipologia ambito della fonte di finanziamento
Fonte di finanziamento
Bando Prin 2022 PNRR – Settore SH2. Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca- Decreto Direttoriale di approvazione progetto n. 1313 del 7 agosto 2023. Durata 24 mesi. Università del Salento, Università degli Studi di Napoli “L’Orientale”, Università degli Studi di Palermo
Referente Scientifico (nome e cognome)
Sara Tommasi
Compagine Progettuale
Maria Cecilia Cardarelli, Nicola De Liso, Serenella Sabina Luchena, Stefano Magnolo, Cristoforo Osti, Sara Tommasi, Luca Zamparini, Maria Vittoria Trinchera
Data inizio
Data fine
Digital services Act and Digital Markets Act, Recommender system and consumer protection, Empowering users and protecting their fundamental rights online, Human-centric AI and Algorithmic discrimination, Safe online environment and the risk approach, Future and effective protections
Building on the state of the art and recent European regulatory interventions in the digital marketplace and consumer protection, the research team, composed by scholars with heterogeneous and complementary skills, aims to achieve the following objectives through an interdisciplinary, international, and case-study analysis: 1. Reduce regulatory uncertainty about the obligations and responsibilities of digital service intermediaries in order to contribute to a secure and reliable digital marketplace that concretely protects consumer rights without hindering innovation, competitiveness, and economic development; 2.Examine the legal and economic profiles of the use of recommender systems in online interactions between professionals and consumers in order to identify consumer protections and remedies; 3. Collect, process and analyze data on the occurrence of illegal activities, risks and harms to which consumers are exposed online. This task is prodromal to the production of scientific papers and books aimed at empowering users of digital services, making them aware of their rights and of the decisive role their market choices can play in protecting them; 4. Overcome the lack of coordination between the Proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down harmonised rules on artificial intelligence and amending certain union legislative acts, known as the Artificial intelligence Act (com(2021) 206) final and the Digital services act, by analyzing the legal and economic advantages and limitations of the risk-based approach chosen at the European level in the regulation of the digital services market and of artificial intelligence systems. The outcomes of the project could have an important impact on both the scientific community and businesses and consumers by contributing to the establishment of a safe and reliable online marketplace that respects the goals proclaimed by the European Declaration on Digital Rights and Principles for the Digital Decade, (Com (2022) 28 final, January 26, 2022). From the academic point of view, the project allows to catch up with the international debate on digital market regulation. From the practitioners’ point of view, the project can bring numerous benefits because they often have difficulties in adapting to the obligations imposed by the numerous and not always easily harmonized EU regulations. From the point of view of consumers, the project could ensure significant results in terms of consumer education, reduction of asymmetries and risks, particularly evident in the digital sphere.
Ambito tecnologico produttivo
Legal studies, constitutions, human rights, comparative law Development economics; structural change; political economy of development.