Progetti di Ateneo
- Codice Progetto o altro Identificativo
- 2019-1-FR01-KA203-062941
- Denominazione Progetto
- Climate Changes: from physics to human societie
- Acronimo
- Tipologia di finanziamento
- Pubblica
- Tipologia ambito della fonte di finanziamento
- Europeo
- Fonte di finanziamento
- EU-Commission
- Sottoprogramma/ASSE /Misura/Azione/Linea di finanziamento
- Strategic Partnerships for higher education (KA203)
- Referente Scientifico (nome e cognome)
- Piero Lionello
- Data inizio
- 01/06/2022
- Data fine
- 01/07/2022
- Abstract
- • Man-made climate change and its global impacts are a challenge for the 21st century. The climate system is physically complex and informing actions about climate change and mitigation/adaptation requires fundamental knowledge of system dynamics. The various stakeholders are in demand of skilled young professionals with up-to-date knowledge on these aspects. The objectives of the CLIMAST project is to create a network of high education institutions involved in climate sciences and impact studies to address this demand. The network will focus its effort to provide high level knowledge training in climate sciences with inclusion of social science in the context of the Mediterranean area. These actions will develop engaged professionals able to take part to climate negotiations and to appropriately face this societal challenge.