Cataloguing Methods and Promotion Strategies for Cultural Heritage

Teaching in italian
Cataloguing Methods and Promotion Strategies for Cultural Heritage
Cataloguing Methods and Promotion Strategies for Cultural Heritage
Subject area
Reference degree course
Course type
Master's Degree
Teaching hours
Frontal Hours: 42.0
Academic year
Year taught
Course year
Reference professor for teaching

Teaching description

General knowledge of the Italian management and regulations of the cultural heritage.

The course aims at giving a suitable framework for the methodological approach to the cataloguing of the cultural heritage, by means the discussion of the instruments of the real accessibility to the “common goods”:  the democracy of the knowledge and the cultural landscapes’ informative systems (international, national, regional, thematic); identification and qualification of the heritage, the cataloguing actors and the shared cataloguing, standard and regulations, heritage storytelling, open data.

A part of the course will be dedicated to the discussion of the strategies aimed at enhancing the Cultural Heritage, starting with the principles and the values ratified through the Faro Convention 2005; from the “museification” to the valorisation:  sharing, design, communication, enjoyment, accessibility, landscape regeneration and redevelopment, valorisation, involved actors, accountability. A deepening will be focused on the promotion strategies of Museums/Ecomuseums, Museum Systems and Networks.


1. methodologies of cataloguing of cultural heritage

2. international, national, regional, thematic main informative systems of the cultural heritage

3. main areas of interest aimed at communicating and enhancing them cultural heritage

Teaching is carried out by means of lectures.

Attending at lessons is vively suggested.

Oral exam.

The exam aims at evaluating the achievement of the following goals:

  • knowledge of the main issues discussed in the general framework presentation;
  • knowledge of the case studies
  • speaking and presenting skills
  • studied topics presentation and connection

Thursday 3 February 2022

Thursday 17 February 2022

Friday 4 March 2022, h 10.00

Tuesday 5 April 2022, h 10.00

Wednesday 18 May 2022, ore 10.00

Wednesday 15 June 2022, h 15.00

Wednesday 29 June 2022, h 15.00

Wednesday 13 July 2022, h 15.00

Wednesday 7 September 2022, h 15.00

I. Attending students:

Auriemma R. (ed.), La democrazia della conoscenza. Patrimoni culturali, sistemi informativi e open data: accesso libero ai beni comuni? Atti del convegno (Trieste, 28-29 gennaio 2016), Udine 2017 (a selection of 2 papers).

Montella M. 2016, (a cura di), Economia e gestione dell’eredità culturale. Dizionario metodico essenziale, Vicenza.

Montella M., Petraroia P., Manacorda D., Di Macco M. 2016, La Convenzione di Faro e la tradizione culturale italiana, in Feliciati P. (ed.), La valorizzazione dell’eredità culturale in Italia. Atti del convegno di studi in occasione del V anno della rivista (Macerata, 5-6 novembre 2015), in «Il capitale culturale» suppl. 5, 13-36

Livelli Uniformi di Qualità per i Musei – DM 113/2018

Volpe G., De Felice G. 2014, Comunicazione e progetto culturale, archeologia e società, in «PCA. European Journal of Postclassical Archaeologies» 4, 401-420

Further references, specific for the presented topics, will be given during the class.


II. Non attending students:

Besides the references above indicated, adding:

Auriemma R. (ed.), La democrazia della conoscenza. Patrimoni culturali, sistemi informativi e open data: accesso libero ai beni comuni? Atti del convegno (Trieste, 28-29 gennaio 2016), Udine 2017 (a selection of 4 papers).

First Semester (dal 20/09/2021 al 14/01/2022)

Exam type

Type of assessment
Oral - Final grade

Course timetable

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